Stephanie Nicole Photography
Natural Light Photographer based in Carson and serving LA and OC


Two women are standing next to each other holding a baby.

Photography is and can be used for so many different things, and every session is unique. I offer a variety of services to accommodate these special requests and just to add a little something extra for my wonderful clients. Here are SOME of those offerings.

What can I do for you?

FLash Drive

All sessions receive an online gallery for downloading purposes, but if you would also like to have a flash drive delivered with your images, I am happy to do so!


Framed Photo

All sessions receive an online gallery for downloading and printing purposes, but if you would also like to have a hand-picked, framed print(s) delivered with your image(s), I am happy to do so!


Extensive Editing

While I edit photos to be consistent and true to life, there can be times when you just wish something looked a little different. Maybe a particularly bad week of acne popped up and makeup didn't cover it. There are some editing tricks I can do on a case by case basis. Feel free to ask during your session to add this or once your gallery has been delivered, we can assess the charges based on the number of images.

Website Fill in


If I am building a website for you, I am happy to help you fill it with one consistent look and style of beautiful images. From headshots of employees to product photos, office vibes and more, I will get your website visuals streamlined and customized to your brand! Ask me for a quote today!


I am happy to travel within a 25 mile radius for no additional charge. Anything beyond this radius will incur an additional charge for, gas, time, and mileage.

Average cost: $50 per 5 mile extension, please inquire about your specific location for an exact quote.


I have some props and outfits available for sessions with a specific theme. Feel free to inquire about choices for your session.*

*Props included in deluxe package for boudoir sessions

Website Package


All of my clients also now have the opportunity to be featured on my website with their very own page! This is an additional package that I can add to any session. Here's what that looks like:
Your very own customized website page filled with the photos from our session and this one piece of your story.
A personal URL for as long as you want it to be available.
Password protection optional!

 $250 for the first year (Payment plans available).
After the first year: $10/mo or $100 for another year.

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